Cowley First Events

Cowley County Economic Development Services:

Cowley County Economic Development Services in partnership with area business partners and volunteers hosts the fall Future Finance activity for area schools including Arkansas City, Burden, Dexter, Oxford, Udall/Belle Plaine, and Winfield. Hosted by the Winfield and Ark City High Schools this financial reality exercise is for the areas 400+ sophomores and provides insights into the cost of life! Students learn how to balance a checkbook and how maintain a personal budget while "buying" the necessities of life.

Sound like fun? You can volunteer too! Events are held in October and volunteer sign up begins in August simply email jfalk

Our spring event for student entrepreneurs, the Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge Series (YEC) is in partnership with Network Kansas and area volunteers to encourage entrepreneurship through competition. This three-part competition takes place in March and has students pitch their idea to a panel of judges, create an executive summary, and present in a trade show. Students can fly solo or partner up into teams, business ideas can be completely original or an exercise in finding needs in their community and how a business can fill in the gaps!

This event is held in March and volunteer sign up begins in January. Learn about our brilliant young peoples ideas by volunteering! Email to learn more!  

The Kansas Ice House Entrepreneurship Program is an 8-week certificate program that develops entrepreneurial skills like critical thinking, communication, problem solving, and other key assets.

Inspired by the life story of Pulitzer nominee Clifton Taulbert, the Ice House Entrepreneurship Program was created by the Kauffman Foundation as a powerful learning program designed to educate and engage participants in the fundamental aspects of an entrepreneurial mindset.

This program is generally held in the fall. Email to learn more!

Cowley County Economic Development Services offers partnerships to other local organizations to help promote local resources and events. Become a Cowley County Economic Development Services partner today!

Looking for a partner? Email to learn the benefits of a partnership today!