
Cowley Works childcare logo

Choosing child care is one of the most important decisions you will make for your child. Here are some information and resources for Cowley County residents to help find a better option for each family’s unique needs.

Child Care/Preschool Facilities in Cowley County

Kenna KellyLicensed Daycare Provider
620-222-1588 for more info
Wood Child Care Center1513 N 8th St. Arkansas City, KS 67005
Sunshine Daycare19789 81st Street Winfield, KS 67156
SC Learning Center120 W. 12th St. Winfield, KS 67156

Finding Child Care

Kansas Department of Health and Environment logoKansas Department of Health and Environment
Kansas Department of Health and Environment licensing and facility compliance search. 
Childcare Aware of Kansas LogoChild Care Aware of Kansas
A comprehensive list of child care providers in your area. Registration required but confidential.
Child Start logoHead Start 0-5 Program
Click to see if you are eligible for the program.
Kansas Head Start Association logoKansas Head Start Association Location Search
Locate a Head Start program near you.


Childcare Aware of Kansas LogoChild Care Aware of Kansas Referral Center
Child Care Aware of Kansas helps families how to determine the best child care setting for their child and provide resources.
Phone: 855-750-3343
Child Start logo
Child Start

You will be able to access many helpful resources available through your local Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) agency.
Phone: 316-682-1853
Child Care Providers Coalition of Kansas logoChild Care Providers Coalition of Kansas, Inc.
CCPC is the statewide organization for family child care providers and offers training, technical assistance, and advocacy for family child care providers.
Kansas Department for Children and Families logoKansas Department of Children and Families
Agency’s mission it to protect children, promote healthy families and encourage personal responsibility.
Phone: 1-888-369-4777

Financial Resources

Child Start
Financial Aid

Kansas Department of Children and Families
Child Care Subsidy
List of the assistance program