General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 620-221-5442
Emergencies: Dial 911
321 East 10th Avenue
2nd Floor

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm


The Appraiser's Office is responsible to discover, list and value all taxable property located in the county.

Value change notices for tax year 2024 were mailed to all real property owners on March 1. Property owners have 30 days from the mail date to appeal their values. Appeals can be scheduled by filling out the back of the value notice and returning it to the Appraiser's Office or you can simply call the office (620-221-5430) and request an appointment. NEW THIS YEAR: Property owners will now have the option to view their value notice online. Authorization codes will be included on this year's notices.

*REMINDER*: Personal property renditions are due back to the Appraiser's Office by March 15 to avoid late or non-filing penalties.

If you have questions about your property values, please call the office at the number listed on your notice or email .


The assessment process is the basis for developing property values and is the tool for equalizing the distribution of the tax burden. Remember that the county appraiser's office does not determine taxes. The amount of taxes you pay depends on the budgets set by our governing bodies such as the state, county, hospitals, and schools to pay for roads, fire, and police protection, recreational facilities, and other local services. You can play an effective role in this process if you know your rights, understand the remedies available to you, and fulfill your responsibilities as a property owner and taxpayer.


The assessment process involves setting standards for fair and equitable values, discovering and listing information about properties, and determining property values. Values are then analyzed to ensure they meet the standards of fair assessment, and then certifying the total valuation of the county to the county clerk.

The Taxpayer

As a property owner and taxpayer, you have specific rights and responsibilities in the assessment process:

  • You have the right to examine the appraiser's property records and verify that the property you own is listed and described correctly on the tax records.

  • If you disagree with your property value, you may file an appeal with the appraiser.

  • You have the responsibility to provide accurate information to the appraiser about property you own. 

Forms and Documents

Payment under protest form click here


For more documentation and forms click here.

Request a Printed Map

For a printed map of the area of your choosing, fill our a request form with the GIS department.